January 2021


We are ringing in the new year with gratitude. At ActivStyle, we are grateful for individuals like you who put your trust and your clients in the hands of the team at ActivStyle. We know that there are other medical supply companies that you could refer your clients to and we are honored that you continue to choose us. It’s you who helps us fulfill our mission of always doing what’s right for our customers. We know your job and life keeps you busy, so thanks for your continued support of ActivStyle. We look forward to working with you and your clients in 2021!


Health News

Four Ways to Keep a Bladder Happy

The bladder can be a temperamental organ. Sometimes, it knows that you’re in charge and respects the policy that if it has to go, it’ll let you know. Other times, however, the bladder acts up and demands attention, right now!

The good news is, with a bit of time and effort, it is possible to enjoy a harmonious relationship with your bladder.

If you have patients or clients who struggle with bladder issues, read on and discover 4 ways to help them keep their bladder as happy as possible!

  • Don’t Stop Drinking Water.
    Despite what you may think, drinking less water isn’t going to help bladder leakage. Because your body needs water to function at an optimum level, dehydration can irritate the bladder and make you pass liquid even more frequently – so keep drinking those fluids!
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises.
    The pelvic floor muscles connect your pubic bone to your tailbone and act like a hammock to support your pelvic organs. External factors such as pregnancy or stress can weaken these muscles, resulting in light bladder leakage. Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen these muscles and help you regain control.Here’s an easy exercise to get you started:
    a. Next time you go to the bathroom, locate your pelvic floor muscles by stopping urination mid-way through. If you do this successfully – congratulations – you’ve found your pelvic floor!
    b. Lie, kneel, or stand on the floor and contract those muscles as tightly as possible for 3-5 seconds. Relax fully for 3-5 seconds, and contract again for another 3-5 seconds.
    c. Repeat this sequence ten times per day and over time you should feel these muscles strengthening which will improve bladder control. If you don’t experience any change in bladder control after 6-8 weeks, see a health professional to ensure you are engaging the correct muscle group
  • Diet Affects Incontinence.
    Like most health issues, what you put inside your body has a huge impact on your overall health. Things that are known to irritate the bladder and stimulate leakage include:
    – Spicy foods (curries, Mexican dishes)
    – Foods that are high in citrus
    – Coffee and alcohol
    – Fizzy drinks
  • Some Medications Can Make Incontinence Worse.
    Some medications that are taken for other health issues can actually make bladder leakage worse. If you take medication relating to your heart, blood pressure, sleeping habits, or any sort of muscle relaxant, these could be contributing factors when it comes to an unhappy bladder. When consulting your doctor, make sure you disclose exactly which medications you are taking so they can offer you the best advice!

Dealing with incontinence can be a challenge for your clients, but it does not have to be that way. Once you refer your clients to ActivStyle, we will take care of all the details. We’ll verify their insurance coverage, contact the doctor for a prescription, and discreetly ship covered products to their door every month. If you have a client or patient on medical assistance who needs incontinence or other medical supplies, contact ActivStyle’s Provider Services team today at 855-373-5141, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Central Time. You can also email our staff at   You may also conveniently make client or patient referrals online.



Q: What is the best phone number to reach you? since I’m either on hold too long or get transferred several times to different departments?
A: There are several ways to call ActivStyle, depending on what kind of assistance you need.

  • If you are a provider of service to a client and your client is new to ActivStyle, the best phone number to call is 855-373-5141.
  • If you are new client calling in for yourself or family member, the best phone number to call is 877-379-2313.
  • If you are a former or current client of ActivStyle and have questions or need assistance with an order, the best phone number to call is 855-284-6757.

Q: Why does the inactive insurance have to be removed from the verify before we can proceed?
A: If the primary insurance that you are requesting us to bill is showing as active on the website, they will not pay on our claims without a denial from that insurance. The current primary insurance needs to be notified that the other insurance is no longer active before we can provide services.

We want to hear what FAQ topics you are interested in seeing! If you have questions or suggestions for future FAQs, please email us at .


Product News

Medicaid Provides Coverage of Pediatric Diapers

One of the largest daily expenses many families face is probably one you may not think of — diapers. Unlike the typical developing child, children with special needs often require diapers and other incontinence products for their entire lives.

The cost of diapers can be a significant burden for families. Diapers may cost $120 every month or more, and wipes, disposable underpads (chux), and other incontinence products may add substantially to the cost. Most—but not all—children with private insurance do not receive coverage for diapers. However, if your clients have children enrolled in Medicaid programs, it is important to know that every state provides diaper coverage to children over the age of three/four years.  Hopefully, this information can help families obtain diaper coverage and save them money each month!

For your clients who have a child who suffers from incontinence, ActivStyle is here to help. Choosing a product that keeps the child comfortable and protected is important. The first line of action is for the parent to consult with the child’s physician to get a diagnosis of incontinence.  The physician can help educate the parent about various options to help treat the symptoms of incontinence or ways to help the child live an active life with incontinence. A prescription is needed to receive incontinence supplies through Medicaid. The amount and duration of service is based on individual needs and their state Medicaid plan.

Medicaid supplies diapers to children over the age of three/four when the following applies:

  • The child has a medical condition resulting in incontinence.
  • Medicaid is the primary or secondary payer.

If your client’s child is over the age of three/four and suffers from incontinence, ActivStyle can help them get the disposable incontinence supplies needed for the child to stay comfortable. Our compassionate, trained Product Experts are available for free consultations to help select the right products for a child’s needs. We work with thousands of pediatric clients on Medicaid and provide them with a free monthly supply of diapers and related supplies to save the expense of purchasing diapers from a store. All you need to do is make a simple referral to ActivStyle and we’ll take care of all the details.

To make a referral, call our Provider Services representatives toll-free at 855-373-5141, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Central Time. You can also email our staff at . You may  make client or patient referrals online.


ActivStyle is Your Partner in Patient Care

Wouldn’t it be great if you spent less time mired in case-related paperwork and details and more time helping those who need you? ActivStyle is a full-service provider of high-quality, high-value home medical supplies serving thousands of practitioners and case managers across the United States. Our product expertise and knowledge of constantly changing state and federal regulations allow us to give you — and the clients who depend on you — the level of service you need and deserve.

Founded in 1997 in Minneapolis, MN, ActivStyle has grown to over 200 employees compassionately serving patients in 47 states with their medical supply needs. Specializing in incontinence, urological, and ostomy supplies, our trained Product Experts are available to discuss product options, insurance benefits, free delivery, or product samples. Feel free to call one of our Provider Services representatives toll-free at 855-373-5141, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Central Time, they’ll be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have about our products, services, or take a referral over the phone. You may also conveniently make client or patient referrals online. Emails to our staff are welcome at .

At ActivStyle, we’re dedicated to making your life easier.

