September 2020


As I write this newsletter, we are enjoying a few last days of warm summer-like weather as the calendar proclaims that it is finally Fall. In Minnesota, where ActivStyle’s home office is located, we are just starting to see some brilliant fall colors. I hope you get to enjoy some Fall colors in your area, too!

We appreciate that you are interested in our newsletter and thank you for being a loyal advocate for ActivStyle. We strive to do what’s right for each and every customer every day of the year. And, as the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed, we trust that you are keeping your distance, wearing a face mask, and are staying healthy.


Industry News

November is National Bladder Health Awareness Month

Did you know that November is National Bladder Health Awareness Month (NBHAM)? Over 25 million Americans live with incontinence each day, but it’s a condition that too often is swept under the rug and left out of pertinent doctor/patient discussions due to embarrassment or acceptance.

Incontinence is a hard subject for most. Let’s face it; incontinence is not a topic that most people want to talk about, even to close family or friends. In fact, most women wait at least 7 years before even speaking with a doctor about incontinence.

NBHAM is sponsored each year by the Urology Care Foundation, American Urological Association (AUA), and the Bladder Health Alliance – a coalition of groups representing physicians, patients, and veterans. These organizations are using the month of November to raise awareness about bladder conditions and encourage individuals to take an active role in managing their bladder health.

Millions of Americans struggle with the impacts of such bladder conditions and disease as urinary incontinence, overactive and underactive bladder, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infections, nocturia, bedwetting, bladder cancer, and neurogenic bladder, on a daily basis. These conditions have a significant impact on an individual’s health and quality of life and result in substantial health costs that are estimated to be more than $70 billion each year.

In support of NBHAM, a number of downloadable resources – including fact sheets, posters, social media messages, and patient brochures – are available on the Urology Care Foundation website, in addition to its Twitter (hashtag #BladdersMatter), Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram platforms to disseminate this information for public use and dialogue.

If you have questions about the types of incontinence products available for your clients, please reach out to our staff. They are trained experts who can help you determine what products are available and how to use them for the best outcomes. If you have a client or patient on medical assistance who needs incontinence or other medical supplies, contact ActivStyle’s Provider Services team today at 855-373-5141 (Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Central Time). They’ll be happy to talk to you and help you determine the individual’s eligibility to receive supplies and take a referral over the phone, or you may also make client or patient referrals online.



Q: Why do you need Medicare information if you are not going to bill Medicare?
A: Each state’s Medicaid program has different billing requirements. Some require we bill a client’s primary and some do not. The states will periodically change their requirements with little notice to us. It is best for us to have all active insurances on a client’s account, should there be any changes in what and who we can bill for any given products.

Q: My client has MA, but why don’t you accept it?
Some MA insurances have specific vendors that are contracted by the state to provide services to their members. There are also some plans where ActivStyle is out of network. While we try and be MA providers for most states, we cannot be providers for every plan in every state.

We want to hear what FAQ topics you are interested in seeing! If you have questions or suggestions for future FAQs, please email us at .

If you have other questions for the ActivStyle Provider Services staff, feel free to give us a call at 855-373-5141, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Central Time. Please also make client or patient referrals online. At ActivStyle, we are here to help make your life easy, so you can provide the best service and information to those you serve.


Health News

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Symptoms and Prevention

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are responsible for more than 8.1 million visits to the doctor and hundreds of millions in costs per year. On average, 50% of women and 12% of men will experience a UTI.

Urinary tract infections usually appear with a fever. However, 30%-40% of the elderly do not display a fever with this common infection, making a UTI difficult to recognize. Listed below are other common symptoms of a UTI:

  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Painful urination
  • Lower abdominal tenderness
  • Grimacing or painful facial gestures when urinating
  • Milky, cloudy, or red/pink urine
  • Sudden onset of confusion that is not normal for the person

The risk of urinary tract infections increases as incontinence worsens. The body’s natural way of preventing urinary tract infections is through voiding. As urine travels through the urinary system it washes bacteria out. The elderly are at greater risk for urinary tract infections because as we age, our bladders lose elasticity and our kidneys’ ability to filter waste decreases. Urinary retention can occur where small amounts of urine are left in the bladder after voiding, increasing the possibility of a UTI. Other medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer increase the risk for UTIs.

UTI Prevention

It is very important to try to reduce the risk of infection. You can take these steps to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections:

  • Consume adequate amounts of fluids each day (6-8 8oz glasses per day).
  • While cranberry juice has been recommended for years to help prevent UTIs, recent research at Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Houston suggests that it’s cranberry capsules that work best to keep UTIs at bay or help reduce the duration of the infection.
  • Avoid consuming bladder irritants like alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, and citrus fruits.
  • Whether you’re using an adult diaper (brief), disposable underwear (pull-up), or bladder control pad, changing the absorbent products immediately after becoming soiled or wet will not only reduce the risk of UTI but will also reduce skin breakdown or damage.
  • Use the toilet following an incontinence episode in a pad, diaper, or pull-up to void all remaining urine from the bladder to make sure it is empty. Leftover urine in the bladder can be a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Proper cleaning of the genital area, or pericare, is important after each incontinence episode or restroom use.
  • Clean from front to back using warm water or hypoallergenic and unscented cleansing cloths. Avoid rubbing or pressing too hard. This should be done all the time, but especially when a UTI is present.
  • Wash hands before and after each incontinent episode or use of the restroom.
  • Create a toileting plan to allow several visits per day to the toilet to minimize the number of incontinent episodes.

The sooner you notice the symptoms of a urinary tract infection and begin treatment, the sooner you’ll feel better. When in doubt, consult your healthcare provider. ActivStyle does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.


ActivStyle is Your Partner in Patient Care

Wouldn’t it be great if you spent less time mired in case-related paperwork and details and more time helping those who need you? ActivStyle is a full-service provider of high-quality, high-value home medical supplies serving thousands of practitioners and case managers across the United States. Our product expertise and knowledge of constantly changing state and federal regulations allow us to give you — and the clients who depend on you — the level of service you need and deserve.

Founded in 1997 in Minneapolis, MN, ActivStyle has grown to over 200 employees compassionately serving patients in 47 states with their medical supply needs. Specializing in incontinence, urological, and ostomy supplies, our trained Product Experts are available to discuss product options, insurance benefits, free delivery, or product samples. Feel free to call one of our Provider Services representatives toll-free at 855-373-5141, Monday thru Friday, 8AM to 5PM, Central Time, they’ll be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have about our products, services, or take a referral over the phone. You may also conveniently make client or patient referrals online.

At ActivStyle, we’re dedicated to making your life easier.

